Berry Business. In a medium bowl, combine your sliced strawberries with 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar and the lemon juice. Gently toss and let them sit for about 5 minutes. This creates a sweet, juicy strawberry situation that will soak into the cake. Magic, right?
Whip It Good. In a large bowl, combine the heavy cream, powdered sugar, vanilla, and remaining tablespoon of granulated sugar. Beat with an electric mixer until stiff peaks form. (Translation: when you lift the beaters, the cream should stand up proudly like it just won a competition). If you're feeling festive, this is where you'd add a drop of pink food coloring.
Assembly Time. Grab some pretty clear glasses or mason jars. The layers are the star here, so you want them visible! Start with a layer of cake cubes (about 1/4 cup per glass), pressing them down slightly. Top with a generous spoonful of the macerated strawberries, making sure to include some of that glorious juice. Then add a layer of whipped cream. Repeat the layers once more, ending with a crown of whipped cream on top.
Make It Pretty. Top each parfait with a whole strawberry, a sprig of mint, or a sprinkle of those Easter-colored sprinkles your kids insisted on buying. If you're serving adults only, no one will judge if you add a drizzle of strawberry liqueur at this stage. Just saying.